Caos Galles: si discute ancora ma una soluzione ora sembra possibile

La RRW diffonde un comunicato dopo una lunga giornata di incontri. Le posizioni si fanno più morbide e l’ottimismo si fa strada

ph. Sebastiano Pessina

Un lungo mercoledì di discussioni e incontri ai massimi livelli in Galles: il board federale, il mangement delle quattro regions con tanto di uffici legali ma anche il ct Warren Gatland e il direttore delle finanze WRU Steve Phillips. Tutti a discutere assieme del futuro del movimento squassato dalle polemiche nelle ultime settimane. Sul tavolo un nuovo Participation Agreement di 271 pagine e si è tenuto anche un faccia a faccia tra il CEO federale Roger Lewis e il presidente del Regional Rugby Wales Nigel Short.
In serata la RRW ha diffuso un comunicato in cui si intravede ottimismo per un qualche compromesso tra le parti. L’associazione che riunisce le franchigie celtiche ribadisce che “al momento” la soluzione dei problemi economici delle squadre gallesi rimane la Rugby Champions Cup che garantirebbe un incasso di 12 milioni in tre anni, “il più grande aumento di fondi degli ultimi cinque anni”.
Insomma, le discussioni sono concretamente aperte e a questo punto una soluzione pare raggiungibile. Quale possa essere oggi è difficile dirlo ma entro la fine del mese si attende la fumata bianca.
Di seguito il comunicato della Regional Rugby Wales:


The Regional Rugby Wales has confirmed that it is currently in discussion with the Welsh Rugby Union on behalf of the four Welsh Regions, regarding the WRU’s new proposal issued to them on January 6th 2014.
Meetings are currently taking place between RRW executives and the WRU to discuss the new “Rugby Services Agreement” document presented to the Regions by the WRU.

The Regions are currently considering the contents of the document in detail and through Regional Rugby Wales, will be in active discussion with the WRU including requesting further details, clarity and confirmation on a number of points raised in the proposals to see if there is any common ground.

Throughout the past two years, the Welsh Regions have been trying to pragmatically discuss the previous Participation Agreement and at all times made it clear, either as part of the PWC report and then the PRGB, that their wish is to work collaboratively with the WRU to progress a sustainable and competitive game in Wales.

Whilst the Regions continue to actively discuss each element of the detailed operational document proposed by the WRU, the only defined competition and committed revenue available to the Regions at this time remains the Rugby Champions Cup.

The Regions remain committed to the implementation of the Rugby Champions Cup, which will provide an additional £12m in committed revenues to Welsh Rugby over the next three years. It is the biggest increase of funding into the Welsh game in five years. It will increase funding to the Irish clubs and protect the Scottish clubs. Bringing in £12m in three years into the Welsh game does not threaten the Six Nations or bring about its demise.

The Regions have now been assured that the WRU will seek to resolve the fundamental issues of defining and committing League and Cup competitions and revenues by the end of this month.

We’re happy to discuss operational details within a potential agreement but any detail is meaningless without WRU fulfilling their primary obligation of defining the structure of the competitions the agreement applies to and committing to the revenues generated.

WRU assure us they will confirm these core elements within this month, allowing the Regions to run their businesses at the same time as finalising any operational detail within a joint agreement.


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