IRB Junior Player of the Year 2014 Award: i quattro nomi in corsa

Un inglese, un sudafricano, un irlandese e un neozelandese si “giocheranno” l’ambito premio personale

L’IRB ha annunciato i nomi dei quattro candidati al premio di Moglior Giocatore U20 del 2014. Si tratta del capitano sudafricano Handré Pollard, dell’ala inglese Nathan Earle, del centro irlandese Garry Ringrose e dell’ala neozlandese Tevita Li. Venerdì a Auckland, dopo la finalissima del Mondiale Juniores che metterà di fronte Sudafrica e Inghilterra, verrà svelato il nome del vincitore del riconoscimento.
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I vincitori degli scorsi anni:

2013 – IRB Junior Player of the Year: Sam Davies (Wales)
2012 – IRB Junior Player of the Year: Jan Serfontein (South Africa)
2011 – IRB Junior Player of the Year: George Ford (England)
2010 – IRB Junior Player of the Year: Julian Savea (New Zealand)
2009 – IRB Junior Player of the Year: Aaron Cruden (New Zealand)
2008 – IRB Junior Player of the Year: Luke Braid (New Zealand)
2007 – IRB International Under 19 Player of the Year: Robert Fruean (New Zealand)
2006 – IRB International Under 19 Player of the Year: Josh Holmes (Australia)
2006 – IRB International Under 21 Player of the Year: Lionel Beauxis (France)
2005 – IRB International Under 19 Player of the Year: Isaia Toeava (New Zealand)
2005 – IRB International Under 21 Player of the Year: Tatafua Polota-Nau (Australia)
2004 – IRB International Under 19 Player of the Year: Jeremy Thrush (New Zealand)
2004 – IRB International Under 21 Player of the Year in association with Waterford Crystal: Jerome Kaino (New Zealand)
2003 – IRB Under 19 Player of the Year: Jean Baptiste Payras (France)
2003 – IRB Under 21 Player of the Year in association with Waterford Crystal: Ben Atiga (New Zealand)
2002 – IRB Under 19 Player of the Year: Luke McAlister (New Zealand)
2002 – IRB Under 21 Player of the Year in association with Waterford Crystal: Pat Barnard (South Africa)
2001 – IRB Young Player of the Year: Gavin Henson (Wales)

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