Galles, la guerra tra WRU e Regions non conosce fine

Nessun accordo tra franchigie e federazione: un comunicato riapre la battaglia tra pesanti accuse e ringraziamenti

ph. Sebastiano Pessina

Si pensava che la positiva conclusione della diatriba sulle coppe europee, la sponsorizzazione e il lancio della nuova Guinness Pro12 avesse instradato verso una soluzione anche la vicenda che da mesi mette di fronte le Regions gallesi e la WRU. Invece no. La Regional Rugby Wales, l’associazione che riunisce le quattro franchigie celtiche, ha diffuso un comunicato che annuncia il mancato raggiungimento di un accordo per sostituire il Partecipation Agreement scaduto lo scorso gennaio. E’ il documento che consente a Dragons, Scarlets, Blues e Ospreys di prendere parte proprio al Pro12 e alle competizioni europee e che stabilisce la ripartizione finanziaria dei contributi internazionali e federeali.
Nel documento, che riproponiamo integralmente di seguito, si ringrazia il lavoro svolto da Warren Gatland, si augurano il veloce raggiungimento di una soluzione ma accusano la WRU di averle in qualche modo costrette ad operare al di fuori della stessa federazione e dei regolamenti IRB.


Sadly, the Regions regret to confirm that despite an indescribably tortuous process of endless telephone calls and meetings since January 6th, the control, commercial and financial conditions that are being demanded of them under drafts of the proposed new Service Agreement would be completely unacceptable for any responsible independent business to enter into and expose itself to.

The Regions are most grateful for the time and consideration of Wales’ National Head Coach, who has worked hard to reach a constructive and positive balance on the core Rugby elements of the agreement.

The public statements of the WRU Chairman referring to the need for urgency are welcomed, together with the positive position of individual WRU Board members following the Regions’ presentation to the Board during May 2014.

Unfortunately, these comments in the public domain do not reflect the actual process that the Regions continue to experience, with every apparent step forward eventually being replaced by two steps back.

The Regions have consistently made every possible effort to reach a positive and progressive agreement that truly works in the interests of both parties, to ensure a sustainable and competitive professional game in Wales at both regional and international level. They remain totally committed to the hope of reaching that solution.

However, after many months of working hard to try to progress a new agreement, it is with heavy hearts that the Boards of all four Regions must now urgently consider the stark practical consequences of operating within a business model that does not include any form of agreement with the WRU outside IRB regulations and no WRU support or involvement in the development of Professional Regional Rugby.

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