McKinley, la trasferta negata e una petizione per scendere in campo

Il permit delle Zebre non può giocare a Galway per “colpa” dei suoi occhiali. E chiede a World Rugby di intervenire

Ian McKinley

Un incidente all’occhio destro ha fatto perdere l’uso di questo organo a Ian McKinley, talentuoso mediano d’apertura irlandese che però non si è perso d’animo e che grazie a un paio di speciali occhiali da gioco può scendere in campo. Ma non ovunque: nonostante World Rugby abbia permesso l’uso e la sperimentazione di questi strumenti ogni federazione può autonomamemnte decidere sulla loro “liceità” e Inghilterra, Irlanda e Francia finora dicono no.
Mckinley è un giocatore del Viadana ma è stato scelto dalle Zebre quale permit player, che però non potrà essere schierato contro il Connacht questo fine settimana perché si gioca a Galway, dove quegli occhiali non possono essere usati.
McKinley ha postato su facebook una sorta di lettera aperta dove chiede a World Rugby di intervenire presso le federazioni che ancora impediscono l’uso degli occhiali e ha aperto una petizione su
Ecco cosa ha scritto:


I was hoping to play with Zebre against Connacht in my home country of Ireland this weekend. However, I was told by the IRFU last week that I can’t – they won’t permit me to wear the protective goggles I need while playing because they haven’t signed up for the googles trial being run by World Rugby (they’re one of only three unions internationally declining to take part in the trial). The IRFU were told by World Rugby that a player from a union that’s participating in the trial (as the Italian union is) may not wear goggles while playing in the jurisdiction of a union that’s not participating. So I’m now faced with a ludicrous situation, whereby the IRFU will allow me to play if I do not wear the goggles, but they will not permit me to play if I wear this essential piece of protective gear.
It is heart-breaking that I am not currently allowed to play in my own home country. Over the past two years, I have been in ongoing contact with World Rugby and the IRFU to see if we can resolve this situation once and for all. Unfortunately, I feel I now have no option but to engage in a public campaign to highlight my plight. The IRFU have made it clear that they do not intend subscribing to the trial and World Rugby are stalling: it is in their power to compel domestic governing bodies to sanction the wearing of the goggles, but they are not doing so.
Over the coming days, I’m going to be participating in media interviews on this issue and I’m also calling on members of the public to show their support by signing an online petition at: -…. I would really appreciate it if you could give your backing to this campaign.

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